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who am i

V I E O N - A I N I
yeah that's me name :).
RP - biotech.
i know who i am and i have a purpose.
Music is my life!

the songs you used to play

Drops of Jupiter - Train
the words we all said

lovely escapes


E444 =D
J|aN hA0
j0SePh|nE tAn
Pe| cHiEH
PoH Ch0o
PrIncEsS SaRa
ShA0 ChEnG
YuE T|nG


the beautiful memories

July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008

the sources of love

Designer : DEAD-dolliie

Thursday, October 30, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

I HAVE MOVED TO http://vieon.livejournal.com/ !!!





1:02 AM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

okok i know it's time to update!

i met some interesting and funny people and stuff recently!

firstly, my relieve facilitator for bioprospecting lesson! francis!

my RJ question was : "you now know much more about the patenting process. Therefore, would be interested in pursuing a career as a patent lawyer? If yes, why? If not, why not?"

my answer was no due to several reasons like it's hard and complex.
and also i don't think i have interest and blah blah blah.

his reply: Thanks for a fine RJ. You've got it. Only when you love something will excellence, initiative and quest for more knowledge EASILY follows. However, you may never know the future (and circumstances and your likes and dislikes may change--it always do given time). No harm in keeping this option open?? Just a suggestion, LOL!! A better effort today, so keep it up, need to up the level in activity. Please don't make me a nag?? Haha!


RJ question by Benny

For each part, elaborate and explain why. (a) What is the RJ question you like the most? (b) What is the RJ question you dislike the most? (c) What is the most touching RJ question you’ve ever answered? (d) What is the most ‘lame’ RJ question you’ve ever written?

i took 1 hour 18 mins to write the RJ.
it is the first RJ i took so long to write.
can i say the RJ is lame? =x
never wrote a touching RJ before.
my reply to him was maybe he can put one next week, haha am i asking for trouble?


2 weeks ago

i took a cab from tanah merah to expo because i was late for choir. haha =X
the taxi uncle is friendly and funny!
he just randomly ask me some questions.
just before i alight from his cab, i pay my fee and he was looking for change for me.
so he keep repeating this sentence "sorry i am slow because i am old"

hahaha! but he's not old at all, i think 40+ will be the most i will say he will be!
then i told him it's ok. :)

and he has this very nice coin keeper, i asked him where he brought it, so i can buy for my dad to use, if you don't know, my dad drives taxi too!
he told me that his friends brought it in malaysia, and he starts telling me about the another container he brought but he didn't like it. haha!


meet up with girls last week, i think it's a great gathering ya!
we should meet up more, yeah!
just want to say thanks for waiting for me to buy present before we can go makan and i enjoyed the times with you all. loves!


4:12 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

attended vanessa's matrimony last saturday morning..
all i can say that love is in the air :]
actually i never expect that she will invite me and jasmine,
because we only knew each other during the few days of kl emerge trip.
yup.. but i'm really happy to know her.
she gives me this very shou xi de feeling..
like one of my good friend + teacher!

cute hor?
the little walked really slowly down the red carpet.
cos she is really scared and nervous so she never smile.

vanessa and her father.
look at her cheerful smile, love her smile!

first week of lesson has past..
looking forward to the "vacation" have 2 -3 days hols due to hari raya.

talking about school, i'm kind of happy yet sad
sad because there's 2 faci which is really boring thus making the lesson boring.
happy because this semester is the last semester,
and also this semester modules so far are rather ok!
hope i can do well :]
jiayou everyone who is in the last semester as well.
and also there is still faci who is so amusing haha!
or should i say he's different?

this is what happen...
that day problem is about whether to stay in singapore or migrate oversea to work.
the conversation he with our team.

faci: so you all want to stay in sg or migrate?
us: most of us want to stay in singapore
teammate1: go overseas also not happy
faci: but you stay in singapore, you happy meh?
teammate1: no leh
faci: so you are choosing a place which you will be least sad in?
teammate1: ya, erm.. aiya go heaven la, best place.
faci: no leh, go hell better, your friends all there what.
me: hahaha yet =.=
teammate1: ya true
faci: go heaven so boring, cannot drink cannot smoke, so boring...
teammate1: so i will see you there next time
faci: ya, i will open a bar there

........... right? yet so HAHAHAHA!

classmates are rather ok, most of them i know. :]

tuesday went to a wake, erm shall not mention who it is.
becoz' i don't know the person personally too.
so would not be polite to do that.
but a lot of my friends and me feel a lot after the funeral service.
to my surprise, i saw someone whom i have not seen for very long. :]

got to do my stuff! update again.

1:01 PM

Wednesday, September 03, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

haven been updating blog for like a month?
lazy hahahaha
erm so many changes lately! but i will try my best and adapt to it.

just mopped the kitchen floor, waiting for it to dry.

today is official the last day of my school holidays..
oooowwwww... :(
i don't feel like i have enjoyed the holidays, seriously.
i have been going back to school for fyp.

first lesson is environment science.. the only day i have to change class.
erm mixture of year 2 and 3. hopefully the year 2s will be friendly haha!
the next few year will be better, i can see a lot of different people including my fyp mates.
at least this time most of them i know.

rp is such a lame school.. seriously...
from pbl to the late system to the now absenteeism thingy..
thank god it's the LAST semester for me already wee!

and rp's faci is weird.. really.
full of weirdos, or it is only SAS's staff?
i wonder.
but usually scientist are kind of weird right?

oh and next year.. SOT?
i don't know but i think this time is my round!
excited yet worried.. haha contradicting..

i want to be a changed/new person!
i will try my best.

your love keeps me strong.

4:27 PM

Wednesday, August 06, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

choir prac is always refreshing..
bel laid hands on some people, even though i was not being prayed for.
but i felt the presence strong, my hair stands and cried a little.
i see the love =)

many things happened, mainly things i don't wish it to happen.
well inevitably "unwanted" things will happen.
but i will not dwell in it, no point right.

3:20 PM

Thursday, July 24, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

i just wish that everything will be alright soon.
ahh :(
i'm really worried.

12:39 AM

Sunday, June 29, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

i thought that i could have a small rest after fyp presentation.
to my horror, ut 3 is on its way. =.= why why why
the last ut 2 just ended on thur.

so it will be like...
mon: normal lesson
tue: normal lesson, ut3 , fyp rehearsal for actual presentation, choir prac?
wed: fyp presentation =X
thur: normal lesson
friday: normal lesson, ut3

someone asked me about how celebrating 21st bday.
i actually don't know how i want to make it.
i don't really find birthday a big deal la, i mean as long as spend the day with love ones, i'm happy enough.
i'm easily content eh? hahaha
but everyone is like making 21st bday LOUD AND BIG!
so i was thinking what should i do.. *ponders*
if i am rich, i would hold the party on a yatch! -day dream- hahaha

eh thinking now, it's only abt 7 months to my 21st birthday. i'm getting older huh.
i don't want to grow old! i want to remain as a youth.. haha

anyway xuan xuan buddy birthday is coming!!! hehehe =P
i'm just being random now.

ok, tagged by tricia.
i'm gonna do this quiz cos now i'm feeling a bit bored.

01) What disappoints you the most?
when someone i trust hurt me

02) Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
JAPAN!!! it's so expensive to go there, but i promise myself i will go there at least 1 time in my life

03) What's your favorite thing to do?
do nothing =X

04) Do you think money can buy happiness?
similar to tricia's answer, it can but it's only temporary happiness.

05) If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
erm... this is hard. i think is to be successful in life, i hope i can run my own business.

06) Do you prefer a kiss or a hug?
Hug! :D

07) What are you afraid to lose the most?
my mum! she's the best even though sometimes she might not be understanding, but i love her!

08) If you win $1 million, what would you do?
10% - tithe
20% - 10% to dad, 10% to mum
20% - savings
20% - tour, shop or whatever i want to do
20% - future use
10% - bless others!

09) List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
She's generous, fun to be with and lovely.

10) What makes you happy?
being able to spend time with love-ones (family,friends,cg), get good results, able to do great things for Him, do things i want and i like, relax and enjoy life

11) What type of person do you hate the most?
i won't say hate, probably dislike. A fool. i mean as in you already know the result why you still do it? can you just think before you act on it.

12) Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road?
hmm i'll be 30 years old then.. perhaps being a wife,mother cum lady boss? haha.

13) If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Teleport! tricia, better than you use flying leh!!

14) What means most to you?
My love ones.

15) Any childhood memories you'll like to re-live?

yes i guess so! too many. being a child is so stress free, you don't have to think much ya. probably not in this new age, but our time!

i want to stay in that 1 room flat in old airport road and living simple life like every morning sitting on my mum's lap and accompany my brother to school on trishaw.

i want to stick to my mum where ever she goes, even if i don't like it.
i want to swim and become 小黑. i'm very tan when i was young.
i want to stay back after school and go to the nearby playground and play blind mice, blind and seek, and block catching.

16) If you have a chance to change your life now, what would you change?
know more good friends, be a more out-going person

17) Which cartoon character you like most?
erm.. i don't really fancy cartoon characters now. probably cinnamon roll, haha.

18) Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like he/she?

19) Who do you hope to be always there for you?
Him and love ones!!!

20) What are you going to do after this?
Sleep!!! it's 4.02am now.

21) Tag 15 people to do this quiz
just do if you are interested/bored/whatever haha!

update again!

3:18 AM

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

finally finish my FYP report last week.
UT 2 all module over~
now only with fyp presentation next week!
and also UT3 and UT4 for this semester.
gosh, kind of afraid.
but at least when i'm done with fyp part I, then can relax abit. hahaha!
faster get it done and over.
though school just started but i'm looking forward to holidays AGAIN!!!
HAHAHA!!! awww tell me, who don't like holidays?

woo, today i'm rather surprise.
bcos' i went to meet my customer from my blogshop.
i tot she was like typical office ladies bcos' she brought quite a lot of clothes from me. i mean financially stable to do that you see.
then when i was reaching, i sms-ed her and asked what she was wearing and i told her what i was wearing.
she replied, " i'm wearing a black blouse with my 2 sons."
WOAH!!! That lady is so cool can, my mum don't even know how to use the computer!
i'm the one who showed her(my mum) the links and buy for her, i help her save a lot of money ok!

met aretha today to accompany her for shopping!
haha had a good time with her :)
she spend like WOW, hahaha but it is for a good purpose la!
i brought 1 shoe from river island, that shoe is sooooooooooooo comfy okie!
so comfortable is like x100 times better than those cheapo pumps you buy.
but it's a bit expensive,$35 can. i never buy pumps more than $30 before.
i guess it's worth it because usually you can't find really nice and comfortable pumps with big feet like mine! hahahaha! and it's from river island! not so expensive la huh!
will post the picture next time.
ok jo you must meet us up soon too ok? *wink*

ok i'm going to sleep! take cares all! -loves-

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2:53 PM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

it's 4.21am now!

and i'm not in my bed.
i'm doing my fyp report, chiong ah!!

really gan chiong over it, because i really want to do well for this report as well as the presentation.
so does my team!! jia you team! :)
and i just checked the school mail...
the presentation date is out, 2nd july, aww it's so near yet so far. slightly lesser than 1 month.
gosh, really excited yet worrying.
but i'm gonna put my trust in Him. :)

i'm so glad that i went for the meeting today. :)
pst rob is such a funny man!
indeed what he says is the truth and the message has blown me away.
thank you lord!

4:21 AM

Sunday, June 08, 2008
the stories that happened yesterday

still have much things to do!

anyway i baked some chocolate chip cookies for cellgrp and friends.
wanted to cheer some of them up, and also it's just to show my love for them!
first time making chocolate chip cookies but it was a success!!!
thanks for all the great compliment and suggestions, great appreciated!
sooooo glad that you all love the cookies!
but sorry no pictures! next time i will post it up. :)

i haven clean my room, finish my fyp report and study for ut =.= dead!

ahh.. today, just as i'm serving in jurong west service.
during worship, god just suddenly remind me of something, he showed me the first time when i went for choir audition, how nervous and scared i was, but i really want to get in.
how i got into choir and was so excited about it!!
i'm reminded of my love,passion, fire and hunger for Him, not only in ministry, but all.
i want to go back to the first love!
and i will go on serving You!!

anyway xuan xuan, i'm so HAPPY for you!! pending list for BV *wink*
love you pretty buddy!

1:48 AM